Dhaja - Goblin - Human - Menhit
There are currently four different species which players may select in Lament's character generation. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and in a cosmopolitan society there are certain roles each type will gravitate towards, though they are designed to be flexible across many different character concepts. There is also no "right" way to play any given species. Our game's philosophy is that culture, experience, and the company one keeps influence personality, not genetics.
Species are the same thing other games tend to call "races." The sentient peoples of Lament are not interfertile and cannot produce half-breed children. Regardless of culture, it's considered unusual at best and blasphemous at worst to have romantic or physical relations with a person of a different species, though friendships or working relationships are usually far more tolerated.
Each page contains a summary of each species, including gameplay pros and cons, with sub-pages going into further detail.
The available species are as follows:
Dhaja: A dhaja is a tall, long-faced being with no hair. Though physically frail, they are good swimmers and extremely intelligent.
Goblin: A goblin is short and scaly with large ears. Jacks of all trades and masters of none, they can regrow lost limbs given enough time.
Human: A human is a broad-shouldered, feral being. They are strong and durable, if somewhat slow to learn new complex tasks.
Menhit: A menhit is a wiry creature with claws and a tail. Menhit are extremely agile and fleet of foot, but they tend to tire quickly.
Note that species names are not proper nouns and are not capitalized. The page on each species provides a pronunciation and pluralization guide for your convenience.
See also: Nonplayable Species.