The following guidelines are provided as starting points for understanding the mindset of the typical citizen of each city and region. You are by no means required to slavishly adhere to these, but remember that the vast majority of denizens of each particular area will think and act similar to the baselines provided.
There are no species-specific guidelines beyond occasional societal notes; your character's personality is decided by their native culture, personal history, and the company they keep, not their genetics.
General Roleplay
Lament's House Style
General Dos & Don'ts
City Roleplay
Aiseweg Roleplaying Tips
Kungesvald Roleplaying Tips
Liidhaga Roleplaying Tips
Loa Saray Roleplaying Tips
Salvation Roleplaying Tips
Regional Roleplay
Anishma Roleplaying Tips
Darcant Roleplaying Tips
Isle of Blain Roleplaying Tips
Moorva Roleplaying Tips
Ocean Roleplaying Tips
Rekkuris Roleplaying Tips
Sen Yasharen Roleplaying Tips
Ydra Roleplaying Tips